Praying in front of an abortion facility for the first time can be intimidating...but it's actually pretty easy What should a new 40 Days for Life participant expect?

As the fall 40 Days for Life campaign enters its second week, Shawn Carney, Sue Thayer and Steve Karlen talk about what it's like to publicly pray for an end to abortion for the first time:

Sue Thayer talks about encountering her former colleagues as she hosted a vigil in front of the Planned Parenthood center where she used to work Steve Karlen recalls how his wife shamed him off to the couch and over to the vigil--and why he kept going ever since Shawn Carney explains why everybody is called to help solve the crisis of abortion--whether or not they have been touched by abortion in their history

With the abortion industry advocating for legal infanticide, this is not the time to sit on the sidelines. Listen to this episode, share it with your loved ones who might be reluctant to join their local 40 Days for Life campaign, and sign yourself up to be part of one of the largest mobilizations of pro-lifers in history!