Topics We Cover On This Episode

A new year means new opportunities. As we head into 2019, Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen, and Robert Colquhoun share three ways you can make a difference by standing up for life in the new year!

Three ways to make it a pro-life 2019 March for Life: 2019 gets off to a big start with America's largest annual pro-life gatherings: the March for Life in Washington, D.C., the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco, and OneLife Los Angeles. Even if you can't make one of those events, march in defense of abortion-vulnerable women and their babies at one of the many state and local-level events. There is sure to be one near you!

Join the March 6 to April 14 40 Days for Life Campaign: We're still finalizing the list of participating cities for one of the largest mobilizations of pro-lifers in history! You are needed to join the peaceful, constant pro-life prayer vigil in your community. Click here to find the location nearest you and commit to praying for an end to abortion this Lent!

See Unplanned the opening weekend--March 22-24: The movie version of former Planned Parenthood employee of the year Abby Johnson's bestselling book hits theaters on March 22. A strong opening weekend will ensure that a worldwide audience learns the truth about Planned Parenthood and abortion.