Topics We Cover On This Episode [0:25] Weeks away from kicking off the biggest 40 Days For Life campaign [1:30] The 5 excuses people give for not praying at a 40 Days For Life vigil [3:20] The best GOOD reasons given for not coming to a 40 Days For Life Prayer vigil [6:14] #5: The “I’m busy” excuse [8:48] #4: I’m worried about my safety at the 40 Days For Life prayer vigil [15:10] #3: It’s too Catholic, Protestant, etc. [21:35] #2: I don’t like confrontation [24:29] #1: God is everywhere so I can pray at home instead of coming to the prayer vigil [31:01] The amazing organization happening behind this biggest ever campaign

There are many legitimate reasons why people decide not to participate in a 40 Days For Life prayer vigil. On this episode, you’ll hear the guys talk about a number of them. But this episode is not about the good reasons for not coming to a prayer vigil, it’s about the lame ones. Listen in as Shawn, Steve, and Robert highlight and bust the top 5 reasons people give for not participating in a 40 Days For Life prayer vigil. You just might hear YOUR excuse among them.

“I’m busy” can’t excuse you from a 24-hour prayer vigil

The 40 Days For Life campaign in your community is intentionally designed to be easy for anyone to participate in, no matter how busy your schedule is. The “I’m busy” excuse just won’t cut it. In this episode, you’ll hear why anyone can find one hour of their day - no matter how busy it is - to attend and participate at a local 40 Days For Life prayer vigil. You’ll also hear how many people have done so and have seen God save lives, free abortion workers from their bondage to the paycheck the abortion providers sign, and more.

Safety is a concern that is taken seriously at 40 Days For Life prayer vigils

Anytime you see footage on the evening news of a protest or demonstration, you usually see the clips of the gatherings that became violent. That’s why the 40 Days For Life campaign is not designed around the typical “protest” approach. Instead, the organizers are leading prayer vigils - intentionally peaceful gatherings designed to ask the Prince of Peace, Jesus to bring His peace and healing into the lives of everyone at the location - mothers, children, doctors, workers - anyone. And on top of that, the 40 Days For Life leaders are trained in the very latest safety protocols. Learn why you don’t have to be concerned about safety at a 40 Days For Life prayer vigil, on this episode.

Denominational issues shouldn’t deter you from coming to a prayer vigil

The denominational divisions that have happened historically in the church have oftentimes happened for a good reason. But it’s a shame when Christians allow those divisions to keep them divided and they refuse to join together for greater purposes. Those who say that a 40 Days For Life vigil is too ____________ (fill in with your denomination of choice) simply don’t know the facts. The 40 Days For Life movement is the largest ecumenical movement in the nation, bringing together Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and more for the sake of saving unborn lives. Find out why denominations are the least important thing about a 40 Days For Life campaign, on this episode.

A 40 Days For Life Prayer vigil is NOT confrontational

The perceptions people have of what happens at a 40 Days For Life campaign are often inaccurate and untrue. For example, people sometimes have the idea that those participating in a 40 Days For Life prayer vigil are shouting at the women entering abortion facilities, or are standing in their way to prevent them from entering. Neither of those perceptions is true. The gatherings are peaceful and prayerful, asking Jesus to do a great work in the lives of the women, children, and workers at the facility - and the people who are praying at the vigil are available to help, not to harm. Learn why 40 Days For Life prayer vigils are not confrontational, on this episode.

Resources & People Mentioned BOOK: The Beginning of the End of Abortion Episode #2 - Overcoming The Fear Episode #60: Brits, The Super Bowl, and Fear Connect With 40 Days For Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App
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