Topics We Cover On This Episode [1:23] All of the exciting things happening at 40 Days for Life [6:20] Socialists, Anarchists, and Satanists in Madison, Wisconsin [10:05] How the arguments against life have changed [14:48] Irony will destroy the abortion industry [17:43] What happened when common sense ceased in New York [20:21] This is what evil looks like [25:52] Why persecution is the best soil to grow fruit [30:40] The one image that will be the end of abortion

The topic of spiritual warfare seems to be a hit or miss subject in Christian culture. While some give the Devil too much power others are content with ignoring the existence of the enemy altogether. The truth is that there is a very real spiritual battle going on. This was never more evident than during the recently concluded Fall 40 Days for Life campaign. From socialist protesters banging pots and pans to in-your-face abortion advocates dressed up as Catholic priests, this campaign had it all. Hear Shawn, Steve, and Matt break down the realities of spiritual warfare on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

In just a few short years the arguments for abortion have drastically changed

Not long ago the argument for abortion was based on a “scientific” approach. It centered around the dehumanization of the unborn and a convenience based definition of life itself. Due to the crumbling foundation of these positions, a new approach seems to have risen from the rubble. Fueled by an unprecedented level of hate, current abortion advocates are now arguing that Pro-Life views are somehow a direct attack on their identity and that they seek to deny women basic healthcare rights. How does this affect the fight for life? Find out on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Irony is killing the credibility of the abortion industry

One of the loudest cries heard from those protesting the most recent 40 Days for Life campaign was the accusation of bigotry. That somehow wanting to protect the lives of the unborn was an overtly intolerant act. Ironically, while 40 Days for Life volunteers were peacefully expressing their views the ones calling them “bigots” were seeking to silence the Pro-Life message by any means they deemed necessary. These “tolerance warriors” acted with such hate and aggression that even Planned Parenthood asked them to leave because they were creating physical and emotional barriers that prevented women who were seeking abortions from getting inside. Learn how these poignant examples of spiritual warfare are killing the abortion industry on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Recent actions of protesters reveal the evil nature of abortion

All throughout Scripture we see the Devil’s plot to end the lives of innocent children from the attempts of kings to kill the firstborn to the prophets of Baal sacrificing babies as an act of worship. Today the blood lust of ancient history masquerades itself as abortion. Typically you see this procedure supported by well-dressed politicians and scientists doing their best impression of someone who cares about women’s health. However, Pro-Abortion protesters have been letting the mask slip to reveal the truly evil nature of abortion. At numerous vigil sites they dressed up as Satan and intentionally engaged in behavior that mocks God and those who believe in Him. Discover how far some protesters will go to deter those who stand for life on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Pro-Life legacies will be the end of abortion

Amidst a vast backdrop of spiritual warfare during the most recent 40 Days for Life campaign, one image stands out. Mother after mother returning to the place where they decided to choose life to tell volunteers about the difference they made. Not only that, but these mothers came back to show volunteers this difference by bringing or showing pictures of the children who wouldn’t be alive without their efforts. It provides an incredibly important reminder of the legacies being created by those who are willing to persevere against persecution for the sake of the unborn. These children will grow up to stand where their parents stood and be a voice for life for generations to come. Listen as Shawn shares just a few of these hope-filled stories on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned Watch tonight’s broadcast of “From the Ground Up” Get your free subscription to Day 41 Email us at [email protected] to learn how you can host a theater for the UnPlanned movie free of charge The Beginning of the End of Abortion - Pick up your copy on Amazon and leave a review! Connect With 40 Days For Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

There is a very real spiritual battle going on. Hear a break down of the #SpiritualWarfare experienced during the latest #40DaysforLife campaign on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

In just a few short years the arguments for abortion have drastically changed. Find out how this affects the fight for life on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

Irony is killing the credibility of the #Abortion industry. Learn how what some would deem as negative #SpiritualWarfare is actually helping the #ProLife cause on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast #PrayforLife

Recent actions of protesters reveal the evil nature of #Abortion. Discover how far some protesters will go to deter those who stand for life on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife

#ProLife legacies will be the end of #Abortion. Hear incredible stories of hope on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #PrayforLife

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