Topics We Cover On This Episode

On the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision, the State of New York enacted a shocking bill that legalizes abortion in the Empire State--even late in the third trimester of pregnancy!

On this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast, Shawn Carney, Sue Thayer, and Steve Karlen discuss:

why New York's pro-abortion politicians decided NOW is the time to pass legislation so extreme that it rivals abortion law in places like China and North Korea the dangers of the law's provision allowing NON-DOCTORS to perform abortions how children born alive after attempted abortions are no longer protected under New York law

We'll also take a look at reaction to the new law--including Gov. Andrew Cuomo's directive to light the World Trade Center pink "to celebrate this achievement and shine a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow."

[bctt tweet="New York state law now rivals abortion law in China and North Korea. Learn about the brutal legislation and the shocking way abortion advocates celebrated it on the #40DaysforLife Podcast. #prolife #prayforlife #abortion"] Connect With 40 Days for Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App

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