It’s Holy Week—the week that changed the world. The redeeming passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ were all set into motion when Judas agreed to betray our Lord.

Betrayal is a particularly cold sin—because it’s a sin against loyalty and trust. There’s a reason that we still use the name “Benedict Arnold” to describe a traitor, nearly 250 years after the American Revolution. There’s a reason Dante reserved the 9th—and ultimate—circle of hell for traitors. And 2,000 years later, we still look with scorn toward Judas Iscariot for betraying his (and our) Creator and Redeemer.

Abortion is another form of betrayal. On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we’ll look at:

The relationships betrayed by abortion How Judas’ motives in betraying the Lord line up with the motives of the abortion industry Why betrayal may be a grave sin…but it isn’t the last word