Topics We Cover On This Episode [1:15] How you can join the upcoming 40 Days For Life Campaign [2:40] Who is Father Drew Olson? [3:43] How Father Drew got his call to ministry at a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil [8:08] Finding fruitfulness in the midst of hopelessness [11:17] Practical tips to hear the voice of God and deal with distraction [16:37] The role of silence as a spiritual discipline [18:27] Experiencing the voice of God [20:43] The connection between prayer and saving lives [23:19] Why should we pray if God is sovereign? [24:14] Facing overwhelming darkness [25:34] Practical tips for fasting and how it makes a difference

Many people would say that one of the greatest struggles in their Christian walk is learning how to hear the voice of God. Our world moves at such a deafening pace that slowing down enough to hear what the Lord is saying seems like an impossible task. However on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast you will learn how our guest Father Drew Olson’s decision to slow down and pray at a 40 Days for Life vigil led to a life-long call to ministry and a passion for the pro-life movement. Father Drew also has some incredible insights into the power of prayer and how you can engage God right where you’re at.

Sometimes prayer is more about listening than praying

Asking God for the things we need is an important part of our relationship with Him. However, sometimes the most profound moments of provision don’t happen in the asking but rather in the silence. In this episode Father Drew discusses the importance of silence as a spiritual discipline and why it is an essential step in learning how to hear the voice of God. Find out how you can drown out distractions and practically apply silence to your prayer life.

You would be hard pressed to find a more seemingly hopeless place to pray than an abortion clinic

Praying in the face of such overwhelming darkness can be a daunting task for anyone. It is the goal of the enemy to use our present circumstance to discourage our future victory. It’s easy to feel hopeless when you can’t see fruit, but God has a way of bringing fruitfulness to the most desperate of situations. Learn how Father Drew’s time at 40 Days for Life prayer vigil changed his life forever and showed him how to hear the voice of God even when it’s hard to know if He is there at all.

You can do almost anything for 40 days, but what draws people to Day 41?

Prayer is something that is more caught than it is taught. There is something contagious about continually committing yourself to pursue God in prayer. Once it gets inside you prayer has a way of becoming more of who you are than what you do largely because you begin learning how to hear the voice of God through it. The challenge lies in where to start. In this episode Father Drew discusses how life change is a natural byproduct of making prayer a central part of your faith walk. He goes on to discuss several practical tips on how you can make that a reality in your own life.

What is the connection between prayer and saving lives?

If prayer is an invitation to amplify God’s voice in our own lives, then praying for others is a way to amplify His voice in theirs. Whether it’s praying at two o'clock in the morning during a 40 Days for Life vigil or sidewalk counseling a young mother considering abortion, our prayers matter. They have an impact. Listen to Father Drew’s take on how to hear the voice of God by praying for others. This can not only change your life but it may save the life of another.

Resources & People Mentioned Previous Episode: PODCAST # 89 - Fasting...but constantly thinking about food? BOOK: The Beginning of the End of Abortion Connect With 40 Days For Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App

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