Topics We Cover On This Episode [1:07] The March 2019 release of the UnPlanned movie is fast approaching! [6:18] All about the actors playing Shawn and Marilisa Carney [8:02] Introducing Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts [9:19] How Jared and Emma heard about the Abby Johnson story [11:25] What attracted Jared and Emma to be a part of the UnPlanned movie [15:01] Dealing with the potential pushback of being in a Pro-Life film [20:03] How the UnPlanned movie set differed from being on other movie projects [26:20] Jared and Emma talk about the impact they hope the UnPlanned movie will have [30:03] How Jared and Emma prepared to take on the roles of Shawn and Marilisa

In March 2019, 40 Days for Life and the Pro-Life movement will leap onto the big screen in the film adaptation of Abby Johnson’s book UnPlanned. The incredible story details Abby’s journey from Planned Parenthood director to Pro-Life advocate. In a unique first for the 40 Days for Life Podcast Shawn and Steve have the opportunity to interview Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts who play Shawn and his wife Marilisa in the movie. In this episode you will learn exclusive behind the scenes insights and stories straight from the stars themselves and see what it took to bring the UnPlanned movie to life.

Shawn is ready for his close-up

Have you ever wondered who would play you in a movie about your life? Shawn Carney certainly doesn’t have to wonder anymore. Listen in as Shawn gets the unique opportunity to interview Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts who play him and his wife in the upcoming UnPlanned movie. Hear what it’s like to have a movie version of yourself and how Jared and Emma prepared for the roles on this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

What inspires people to be in a Pro-Life movie?

It can’t be an easy choice to make. Hollywood as a whole is pretty outspokenly in favor of abortion so going against the grain can put your reputation and career on the line. Despite those realities, Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts are making the decision to stand for life and take part in this incredible effort to get Abby Johnson’s story out to the masses. In fact, this is Emma’s FOURTH Pro-Life film! On this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast find out what motivates Jared and Emma to work on projects like UnPlanned and bring Pro-Life values to the mainstream.

The set of UnPlanned is unlike any other in Hollywood

It’s safe to assume that most people show up at work so that they can get a paycheck. The actors and production crews of Hollywood are no different. This is what makes the people involved in making UnPlanned so special! Of course, no one is coming to work for free, but their motivations go so much deeper than their bank accounts. For them, UnPlanned is a mission to help end abortion by faithfully telling the life story of Abby Johnson. Hear Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts talk about what it’s like to work on a movie with people unified by one purpose on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

The cast and crew of UnPlanned hope the film has a major cultural impact

Most films aspire to do nothing more than tell an entertaining story. UnPlanned is not your average movie. The cast and crew have set out to make a movie that not only brings awareness to the abortion issue but also changes the heart of the culture on the sanctity of human life. Hear Jared and Emma share on what they hope the UnPlanned movie accomplishes and how you can make that dream a reality on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned Visit the UnPlanned movie website! Abby Johnson on Twitter Book: UnPlanned Episode 142 featuring Chuck Konzelman and Carey Solomon Email us at [email protected] to learn how you can host a theater for the UnPlanned movie free of charge The Beginning of the End of Abortion - Pick up your copy on Amazon and leave a review! Connect With Jared Lotz and Emma Elle Roberts Jared on Twitter and Instagram Emma on Twitter and Instagram Connect With 40 Days For Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

In March 2019, #40DaysforLife and the #ProLife movement will leap onto the big screen in the film adaptation of the book #Unplanned by @AbbyJohnson. Hear from two of the films stars @ItsJaredLotz and @EmmaElleRoberts on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. @UnPlannedMovie #PrayforLife #Abortion

@CarneyShawn is ready for his close up! Find out what it’s like to have someone play you in a movie on this week’s episode of the #40DaysForLifePodcast. @UnPlannedMovie #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

What inspires people to be in a #ProLife movie like @UnPlannedMovie? Hear @ItsJaredLotz and @EmmaElleRoberts answer that question and more on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion

The set of the @UnPlannedMovie is unlike any other in Hollywood. Find out why from two of the films stars @ItsJaredLotz and @EmmaElleRoberts on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

The cast and crew of the @UnPlannedMovie hope the film has a major cultural impact. Find out how you can be a part of it on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLifePodcast. #ProLife #PrayforLife #Abortion

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