Recently, Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims became a national embarrassment when he broadcast a video of himself berating an elderly 40 Days for Life participant as she prayed silently in front of Planned Parenthood. The verbal tirade made national headlines and led to calls for Rep. Sims to resign--all while thousands of pro-lifers responded with a prayer rally at the same Planned Parenthood.

On this episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen, and Matt Britton review the most pathetic moments of the Sims saga:

Rep. Sims attacked a prayer warrior for her race--while insisting that she is racist. The verbal onslaught lacked imagination, to say the least. (Sims used the word "shame" or a variant 35 times!) The attack makes the unfounded assumption that pro-lifers don't serve the poor and vulnerable after birth; they do! Rep. Sims offered cash if his viewers would identify 40 Days for Life volunteers. Rep. Sims, a man, attacked women for being at Planned Parenthood--the very critique he makes of pro-lifers. His non-apology apology video was an epic failure! After repeatedly accusing a 40 Days for Life volunteer of hiding (which she didn't), Rep. Sims then set his Twitter page to private and refused to meet with constituents!