It’s time to ring in the New Year. But first, Steve Karlen, Matt Britton, and Robert Colquhoun look back at the highlights—and lowlights—of a year that will go down in history:

Increased attacks on pro-lifers--who refused to back down in the face of persecution The 100th abortion facility to go out of business following a 40 Days for Life campaign How Unplanned continues to save lives--nine months after its theatrical release Politicians callously advocating for late-term abortion and infanticide

It was a busy year, and 2020 will be even busier. With the spring campaign starting in just 8 weeks, a Presidential Election, and both pro-life momentum and pro-abortion noise increasing, the next 12 months will be a watershed year in the spiritual battle to end abortion. 

Finally, we offer predictions for 2020:

Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election? Is this the year Roe v. Wade is overturned? What abortion developments can we expect internationally in 2020?

Listen in for our bold predictions!