The Dark Phoenix Saga continues here!!!

Were back with the interns and picking up where we left off last time, covering the Dark Phoenix Saga, but this time, we will be covering X-Men 136 – “Child of Light and Darkness”.

Are you ready for this?

I didnt think so!

Anyway, with the new X-Men movie, Dark Phoenix, being released into theaters by Fox this week, we figured we should show you how its really done.

And we will re-iterate our stance that the X-Men should be a series, like Game of Thrones on HBO, and it should be

A multi-part EPIC!!

We will cover X-Men 136 in our second Dark Phoenix episode. And because it was so easy, we brought in some interns to do the heavy lifting again. Listeners and frequent email and Facebook stalkers John Hijatt and David Thompson return to help as we cover the Dark Phoenix Saga to the bitter end.

Tim Elliott and Brian Hughes are still around as well. Though they are not drinking in this episode as the drinking game from last time almost killed them. Note- 3rd Degree Byrne does not support drinking games and only included that information last month under direction from Dufaux Dimanzos dog, Fifi.

So enjoy a cool beverage at your own pace and check out the latest offering from 3rd Degree Byrne!

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