Its time for your first portion of Byrne Trek!!! What happened? After Balance of Terror, the Original Series episode where the Enterprise first met the Romulans? Who is? The Romulan Praetor? What is? A portion? Why Are? We getting these weirdly punctuated sentences? Well let me ask you this: Did [...]

Its time for your first portion of Byrne Trek!!!

What happened? After Balance of Terror, the Original Series episode where the Enterprise first met the Romulans?

Who is? The Romulan Praetor?

What is? A portion?

Why Are? We getting these weirdly punctuated sentences? Well let me ask you this: Did you readthose lines like Shatner? Job done.

All will be revealed in the latest episode of 3rd Degree Byrne as Tim Elliot and Brian Hughes go behind the Romulan Neutral Zone and look at John ByrnesStar Trek: Romulans: The Hollow Crown, Book One. And in the process, we will see if we can get some more of that Romulan Ale. Im down to my last bottle. Wonderful stuff that Romulan Ale.Shameless plug: We want to recognize that our friend Michael Carlyle is doing a review of John Byrnes Babe on his blog. I am sure that one day, we will get him on the show. He does not hold back, not even a sneeze.

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