And there came a day unlike any other, when Earth's mightiest podcasters were united against a common event! On that day the Merry Marvel MARCHing Society was born! -- To record the shows no single podcaster could withstand!

3rd Degree Byrne joins the March Mega-Crossover Event covering Acts of Vengeance, now in progress. And we are in great company. Look all around and you will see Acts of Vengeance shows on the following podcasts: Back 2 The Bins/Avengers Spotlight, Coffee & Comics, Comic Book Time Machine, DoomSpeak, Fanholes Podcast, Fire & Water Podcast Presents, Head Speaks, Into The Weird, Jeff and Rick Present: Unpacking The Power Pack, Justice Not Entirely Dissimilar To Lightning - A Thunderbolts Podcast, Longbox Crusade, Make Ours Marvel, Married With Comics, Resurrections: An Adam Warlock Podcast, Rolled Spine Podcasts and Views From The Longbox!

Tim Elliott and Brian Hughes tackle the first Avengers West Coast issue in the Acts of Vengeance crossover event in Avengers West Coast #53. Over the next few weeks, Tim and Brian will cover issues 54 and 55 to round out the Avengers West Coast participation.

We are not the only Byrneouts on the job though. Coming soon, the other members of 3rd Degree Byrne, John Hijatt, Kirk Greenfield and David Thompson, will be covering the Byrne related issues of Wolverine! Issues 19 and 20’s coverage will be coming real soon, so keep an eye out for them as well as all of the Acts of Vengeance crossover shows.

Thanks to Derek William Crabbe for inviting us to the fray.

Now back to your regularly scheduled podcast.

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