Join Brian and Tim, two life long comic freaks, as they take a look at one of the quintessential comic book writer/artists of the last 40 years, John Bryne. Each episode your hosts will pick an issue or issues from the best, the worst, the sometimes-co

Are you watching Stargirl? Well you outta!!

Why? Well, its got some Justice Society of America goodness in it, thats why! And just so we can find some way of riding the coattails of that great entertainment, 3rd Degree Byrne dug deep to find some JSA goodness from John Byrne.

We didnt have to look far, though, because John Byrne did a great Wonder Woman JSA crossover back towards the end of his run on the Warrior Queen. Yep, we are not talking Princess Diana, but Queen Hippolyta who travels back in time with the Golden Age Flash to meet the JSA during their heyday. So go find your copy of Wonder Woman 131 so you can follow along.

Along the way, we talk the latest news on the Zach Snyder cut of the Justice League, video game acquisitions, X-Men Elsewhen reading etiquette and editorial decisions.

So sit back, open a Cask of Amontillado and join Kirk Greenfield, John Hijatt, Tim Elliott and Brian Hughes as 3rd Degree Byrne covers Wonder Woman 131.

3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Internet Radio Network http://twotruefreaks.

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