Join Brian and Tim, two life long comic freaks, as they take a look at one of the quintessential comic book writer/artists of the last 40 years, John Bryne. Each episode your hosts will pick an issue or issues from the best, the worst, the sometimes-co

Please to meet you. Have you guessed our names?  We reach the end of the Master Pandemonium story arc and have a devil of a time. Join Kirk, Nigel, Brian and Tim as they cover Avengers West Coast issues 51 & 52.  Wanda’s kids are missing, Demons invade the Avengers compound and Master Pandemonium is going to have a hell of a time finding gloves to fit. Cut yourself a big slice of Devil’s Food Cake as 3rd Degree Byrne presents a show from the ninth circle.


3rd Degree Byrne Merchandise available at


3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Internet Radio Network http://twotruefreaks.