AJ Siegel is a DC resident for the last 7 years after having started his career back in his hometown of West Hartford, CT. He is a father of an amazing, rambunctious 2 year old named Talia, the husband of the successful and stunning Camille and dog-daddy to two troublesome dachshunds. AJ is a Experience Architect at ServiceNow, helping customers understand that actual humans use their technology tools, and it's their job to make it easy to use. Once that is sorted out his home office becomes a home gym and he finds some efficient way to stay fit so he can quickly go back to dad mode.  AJ is the wizard responsible for the technical aspects of launching this podcast series and is also an invaluable board member of 3GDC.

In this episode, we learn about AJ's grandfather who was a major influence in AJ's life; he spent many years educating students about the horrors of the Holocaust, all while keeping an upbeat attitude about the "American dream."