Be the first to find out what’s next by supporting the podcast on Patreon. You’ll also hear a new subpodcast where Mike tries to solve Encyclopedia Brown mysteries: We finished Artemis! And we ranked Artemis as compares to all the other books covered in this podcast: you won’t believe what happens next!! And we’re …

Be the first to find out what’s next by supporting the podcast on Patreon. You’ll also hear a new subpodcast where Mike tries to solve Encyclopedia Brown mysteries:

We finished Artemis! And we ranked Artemis as compares to all the other books covered in this podcast: you won’t believe what happens next!!

And we’re just going to get ahead of it: Chekov’s re-usable condom does not pay off.

There’s some mail from listeners as well, and one of them brings us up to date on Mike’s Real or Fanfic stats. I don’t think anyone is going to be impressed.