Season 2 Episode 2: Nick Stone – Bluestone Lane

Nick Stone knows the power of the underdog, where sometimes the bottom team can beat the top team, simply because they have nothing to lose. Now on his third career, Nick Stone is using his AFL and banking skills to create a sensation: bringing Melbourne coffee to the U.S. through his incredibly popular Bluestone Lane. 

Starting his career in the AFL, and working his way around the world in finance, Nick joins Consul General Mike Kleine on 37 Degrees Latitude to talk about commitment, customer-centricity, and coffee culture.  

Bluestone Lane grew from a single basement café on Park Avenue in 2013, to a network of over 40 cafes spanning the United States. COVID-19 has hit Bluestone Lane, but Nick explains the importance of making the tough decisions early, how valuable the U.S. market can be, and how a strong value proposition that will take a business to the next level.  

More information about Nick and Bluestone Lane

Nick on LinkedIn

Bluestone Lane


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In this podcast, U.S. Consul General to Melbourne Michael Kleine meets the Australian founders and entrepreneurs who cut a path between 37˚ N & S and found capital, partners, markets, and success in the United States. 

Mike Kleine is a career diplomat for the U.S. Department of State Officer who is currently the U.S. Consul General to Melbourne. As a former founder turned diplomat, he has a deep-seated interest in entrepreneurship, a fascination with innovation, and a passion for the U.S-Australia relationship.

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