They weren't kidding when they coined the #yearofyammer tag at #MSIgnite last year. Imagine working your way through your email notifications from #MicrosoftTeams, #Yammer, and other #Microsoft365 services. You open an email notification for a Yammer conversation and while you're in your flow answering email, you post a quick response to the Yammer thread - direct from email!    

This level of email interaction is also coming to Teams. But Yammer is set to give us the first taste. Nice!     

Also in this week's show:    

- Rolling back Office Message Encryption domain customization changes     

- Updated: Teams Channel Cross posting     

- Restricting form based auth in Office apps     

- Enhanced Power BI tab in Teams     

- New feature: Outlook mobile enabled Delegate permissions for mailboxes     

- Update: Tasks powered by To-Do (in Outlook on the Web) generally available.    

Join Daniel Glenn and Darrell as a Service Webster as they cover the latest messages in the Microsoft 365 Message Center.