If you are focusing on your website or your logo BEFORE you do your research and niche your audience, then you’ve got things a little backwards, sista!
When it comes to building a successful business (regardless if it’s health coaching, nutrition or tech), Rebecca Tracey share with us that there are 4 foundational steps you need to take before you even consider what your logo is going to look like.
Want to know what these foundations are? You’ll have to listen to find out (you didn’t think it would be that easy did you?) 
In this episode:

- why you must research, research, research!
- building your email list BEFORE your social media following
- niching doesn’t mean Sally who's 45 years old and lives in the city and has two kids and wears red shoes
- who should be the first people you tell you have a business (and how to tell them)

We totally clicked with Rebecca and we think you’ll dig this episode as much as we did (that is until our battery started get into the red zone).
Rebecca Tracey is the head honcho at The Uncaged Life where she works coaches to get clear on their brand message, create packages that sell, and helps them learn what it actually takes to get and keep clients in this crazy online world (all while working from home with no pants on). Rebecca runs a free online community of over 13k solopreneurs. She started her business while living in a van, and now owns a slightly upgraded van that she uses to go on rock climbing trips for months at a time when she's not running her Uncage Your Business program.
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