Who said tools and techniques don’t transfer from different industries? Whether you’re in health & wellness or marketing, there are always tips and tricks you can take away from a CEO. In today’s episode, we chat with Gina Michnowicz, who is the CEO at The Craftsman Agency.
Today we are talking about a whole gamut of things – from how to have shareable content on social media to how to hire and fire employees or freelancers. But for majority of this conversation, we discuss how to be a leader in your business.
Whether you are completely solo in your business or you’ve hired freelancers or contractors to do some work, you need to be a leader. Because even your clients need to be led!
In this episode we discuss:

 - your brand is your culture (and everyone needs to be on board, including your clients!)

 - the blueberry theory: how one bad blueberry can ruin the whole container

 - what you need to look for when hiring a contractor or freelancer

 - keeping it simple if you have to let someone go
- what it takes to be a servant leader
A lot of what we discussed today can certainly translate to your relationships with your clients. So even if you’re nowhere near hiring an employee or a contractor, you’ll find value in knowing how to be a leader to your clients. And when you are ready to sign someone on to do some work, you’ll know what to look for to grow your team.
Gina is a hands-on, fully engaged, client-focused CEO. She built her career intentionally, gaining experience in a variety of disciplines and going deep in marketing and sales within brands, agency, and management consulting. She thinks both strategically and creatively, leading the team to push the envelope with work that both surprise and intrigue audiences in both B2B and B2C markets. Gina’s expertise in brand, digital, and social media has won engagements with clients like Cisco, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, and Microsoft. For these and other brands, she has led teams from concept to delivery of immersive digital experiences, experiential installations, websites, and bespoke advertising campaigns as the Executive Creative Director.

Tools & books discussed:


Culture Code by Daniel Coyle
The Hard Thing About Hard Things By Ben Horowitz
Connect with Gina:
Instagram: @ginamichno

Twitter: @GinaMichnowicz 
LinkedIn: gina-gianatasio-michnowicz-987380

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