Welcome to your Biz Bomb episode of the 360 Health Biz podcast where we provide a quick tip to blow your mind and help your business. And today’s Biz Bomb is about niching. We talk about niching A LOT (see Episode 4) so this is just a refresher of why niching is so important for your business.

The truth of the matter is - if you don't choose ONE target market, you are going to struggle to get ANY clients. Here's why: think of niching as the difference between  a dollar store and a specialty store. The dollar store has a lot of cheap stuff, whereas a specialty store has a limited amount of high quality items. If you try to talk to everyone, your message won't be clear.

When you have your niche client, you will be able to use specific wording, messaging and marketing strategies to approach your group. 

In this episode, Kendra walks you through an example of just how niching would work. Tune in now to take a listen!

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