You’ve probably heard of SEO by now. But what does it actually mean and it is something you can do yourself?

Usually these 3 little letters bring an overwhelming sense of terror to new business owners. Luckily, it really isn’t that scary when you know what you’re doing. And today we have Cinthia to help with the process.

In today’s episode we are chatting with SEO goddess, Cinthia Pacheco about how you can integrate easy SEO methods into your blog posts, website and way of business. 

We discuss:

Why SEO is like a garden
How you can show your professional authority for better rankings
Why you need to have a blogging routine
You don't need to be super tech techie to find keywords
Simple tweaks to optimize your website

Cinthia is owner and founder of Digital Bloom IQ and is passionate about helping Health and Wellness businesses heal more of the world through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). After four years of corporate experience working with companies like Avon, Sears, and Hyundai, she transitioned into the small business world, focusing on her SEO and Google Analytics services. She is on a mission to inspire Health and Wellness businesses to be more intentional about their SEO marketing and share more of the healing talents. When she’s not working, you can find her hanging out with her cats, dogs, & boyfriend outside or journaling on her couch.

Grab Cinthia's Search Personas Worksheet:

Connect with Cinthia:
Facebook - Digital Bloom IQ

Instagram - @digitalbloomiq

Podcast - Digitially Overwhelmed

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