In this episode, we speak with Tracy Gilmore, 340B specialist at Labette Health in Parsons, Kansas. Tracy discusses her hospital’s experience responding to COVID-19 in a rural community and highlights the lifesaving impact of 340B on Labette Health and its patients.

A Strong Hospital for the Local Community: Labette County faces numerous challenges, including high poverty rates and childhood hunger. Amid these challenges, Labette Health is a staple of the community providing excellent service for Labette and patients from neighboring counties.

Robust Response and Sacrifices During COVID-19: Labette Health has treated dozens of COVID-19 cases, with some indications at the start of the pandemic that the outbreak could become much more severe. In response, Labette Health obtained extra beds, waived all patient out-of-pocket payments in March, and issued public service announcements on social distancing and hygiene to the local community. 

340B Provides Financial Support: Tracy emphasized that 340B funds have been critical in keeping the hospital financially afloat amid the substantial actions taken in response to COVID-19. As the only source of constant income throughout this pandemic, 340B helped Labette Health to staff additional beds and continue providing excellent care to its patients. 

Strength of the Community: Hospital administrators, doctors, and nurses made incredible sacrifices for the patients and local community that included taking pay cuts, working through high-stress circumstances, and providing extra services directly to the community. The community has taken note. Local citizens recently participated in a socially distant parade to honor health care workers.

Check out all our episodes on the 340B Insight podcast website. You also can stay updated on all 340B Health news and information by visiting our homepage. If you have any questions you’d like us to cover in this podcast, email us at [email protected].

Episode Resources:

1. HRSA Offsite Clinic Eligibility Rule Change 

2. 340B Health COVID-19 Resource Center

3. 340B Health COVID Conversations Webinar

4. 340B Coalition Virtual Summer Conference

5. Labette Health