Everyone has sat through vendor pitches where:

The problem and solution are oversimplified
The vendor doesn’t fully the situation and specific problems
The vendor’s product doesn’t actually address the stated problems


If not you’re not careful to recognize these things, it becomes easy to get lost & become excited with the shiny new tool.  It’s easy to get focused on the features of the tool and not the “why” of the tool as it’s relates to your organization.  Why does your organization need this new tool?  Why is it necessary? 


What steps can someone take to ensure they fully vet a new tool being pitched?  For those in director and above positions, what is the importance of asking “why”?  How does this apply to martech solutions?


On this week’s episode of the 33 Tangents podcast, Jim and Jason discuss how a team can ensure they fully vet a new tool that is being pitched.  They also discuss the importance of those in positions of director and above asking the question “why” and when should it be done.



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