Previous Episode: Magic And Politics

It's no secret that Elon loves communicating via Twitter. It's both an amazing direct line to him and also the reason he sometimes gets into trouble. He is quick to respond to both those asking for help and those hating on him and his projects pretty regularly. For God's sake the guy committed and actually backed his commitments to helping both the young soccer team trapped in a cave in Thailand AND to solving the water contamination problem in Flint, MI...all in the span of 72 hours! Now he could be getting sued because of one of his twitter outbursts, where he MIGHT have called a diver involved in the events of the cave rescue in Thailand a "pedophile." Also, "Mr. Steve" the supersized ship designed to capture Space X return modules as they re-enter the atmosphere has been fitted with an even bigger net and is fully operational. Plus, a Tesla owner boasts how her Model 3 did it's job and saved her life in a rollover. Usually Musk would be boasting these accomplishments via his Twitter account, but he's since been pretty quiet after the whole "pedo guy" comments...probably because his lawyers told him to keep quiet for a while.