Avengers: Endgame is on track to become the biggest movie of all time, wrapping up a 22-film saga a dozen years—and nearly 20 billion dollars – in the making. To handle this mad titan, Will & Sammy are joined by Av Sinensky, the original 32 Fans movie pundit and an unabashed MCU superfan. And since this is 32 Fans, we aggregated 50 separate rankings of all 22 MCU movies, to compile the most authoritative MCU film ranking of all time.

The April movies we recommend (besides Avengers: Endgame):

The Mustang – Will; An Elephant Standing Still – Sammy (WARNING: 4+ hours, Chinese and bleak as hell)

Classics Corner:

Moon 2009 (Av); Catch Me If You Can 2002 (Will); Cannibal Holocaust 1980 (Sammy)

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