In this solo episode, Sonni deep dives on daily news headlines—including your thoughtful responses on IG about discussions on school officials potentially being held accountable in the Michigan school shooting—to Prince Harry’s daddy drama; becoming a dance mom; Elf on the Mother-bleepin-Shelf; why cable news will rot your brain; Khloe’s need to move on from Tristan T and more. Then we've got skin care gadget talk; why every grown woman needs a College Credit Card to hide her purchases; the wacky things I buy with my limited podcast money ("Sh** That I Buy that Andrew Says Why???"), and more. If you haven't already decided I'm a head case, today's the day when you do. Have fun!!

Products mentioned:

Tripollar StopX, an at-home radio frequency device for the face

Higher Dose PEMF mat

WaveBlock EMF-protective stickers for AirPods

Personal EMF-protective devices for body and phone, by Aires


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