In this session, we take time to celebrate the life of the legendary Leonard Nimoy. Listen now. If you enjoy the show, never miss a session and subscribe on Apple Podcasts. You can reach Chuck on Twitter @Romba and Curtis @86Cujo. Feel free to tweet us away, but be sure to use the hashtag #TeamDiabolical for all tweets about the show. Who […]

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In this session, we take time to celebrate the life of the legendary Leonard Nimoy. Listen now.

If you enjoy the show, never miss a session and subscribe on Apple Podcasts.

You can reach Chuck on Twitter @Romba and Curtis @86Cujo. Feel free to tweet us away, but be sure to use the hashtag #TeamDiabolical for all tweets about the show. Who knows, your tweet could be featured on an upcoming show!

– Show Notes –
Spock’s Send Off in Wrath of Khan

Perhaps the most iconic death to play out in all of Sci-Fi, this pivotal scene from Wrath of Khan showcases the very best of Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner during their Star Trek runs. For our money, the acting is top notch and the feelings are a plenty. If you haven’t watched this classic scene in awhile, we can’t think of a more fitting tribute to the late, great Leonard Nimoy. Oh and we dare you not to tear up a bit as this scene unfolds…

Wrath of Khan


Useful Links:

Spock’s Death Scene (Youtube)

Star Trek: Wrath of Khan Wiki

Leonard Nimoy’s Final Tweet

Few have left this world with such profound or widely read words as Leonard Nimoy, who’s final tweet resonated with equal amounts of reflection and wisdom. A fitting exit for a man who lived long and certainly prospered during his celebrated life.



A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP

— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) February 23, 2015

Useful Links:

Leonard Nimoy Wiki

Leonard Nimoy on Twitter

This Week’s Dope
Chuck’s Dope

NASA’s Nimoy Tribute – The internet was a buzz with heartfelt words and tributes to the iconic Leonard Nimoy upon learning of his passing… and rightfully so. Though there were many great pictures shared, the Vulcan Salute Astronaut Terry Virts blessed us with on Twitter was, for me, easily the most… dope. Cheers to you Mr. Virts, thank you for my inspiration this week. — Terry W. Virts (@AstroTerry) February 28, 2015


Curtis’ Dope 

Blade Runner – The year is 2019 and the sci-fi cityscape is Los Angeles; you already know Blade Runner is the dope that had my mind a buzz and of course a spotlight goes to the composer of the score, Vangelis, who delivered an equally rapturous soundscape to compliment Ridley Scott’s futuristic vision.

Blade Runner


Diabolical Artists

Music Provided By:

Willie G:

Thump (Dope Track):

Ghost/Teeth & Nova: &

Vegard Veslelia:

Artwork Provided By:

Ewa Stryza:

Original Artwork from this session.

The post 30MOD: V2|06 – [Live Long and Prosper] appeared first on SquidNova Studios.

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