Los Titans fueron derrotados en la semana 12 por los Patriots 36 a 13 debido a que se dispararon en el pie constantemente y las lesiones ya los alcanzaron.

Junto a Ahuatzin Medrano (@4taygolpatriots) analizamos cuáles fueron las impresiones generales del partido y las claves de la derrota, además de que le esperan en el resto de la temporada a ambos equipos.

The Titans were defeated in week 12 by the Patriots 36-13 due to constantly shooting themselves in the foot and that the injuries have caught up with them.

Together with Ahuatzin Medrano (@4taygolpatriots) we analyzed what were the general impressions of the game and the keys to the defeat, in addition to what to expect for the rest of the season for both teams.

¡Los Titans no terminan y nosotros tampoco!

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Conductor: Alberto Romano (@betoromanom)

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