A war. A foreign country. A prisoner. An escape. An adventure. A journalist. A story of heroism, life and death, and history. 

Now admit it.  You pictured at least one man (or more) as you read those words.  But this story is about women, and the forgotten or never told stories of their lives. And another woman who wrote about one of those stories.

Julia Airey lives in Washington, D.C. where she as a technology reporter and associated editor for a foreign policy site. In her free time she writes articles about how millennials can enter the work force, and runs a blog breaking down complicated legal news.

While studying in the Netherlands, Julia led a data journalism investigation into sexual health on campus, and advocated for student housing. She was also an assistant English teacher at a bilingual high school and helped lead camping trips in Wales.

It was during this time in the Netherlands that Julia met Martha Anschuetz, whose story she retells in "At One Time,” a war story you have never heard.

Join us as we talk about Martha, Julia, and women’s stories.

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Live Saturday at 11 AM Pacific time, or go to the website anytime to listen to all our archived programs at www.blogtalkradio.com/3women3ways.