Previous Episode: 2 Peter 1:19
Next Episode: 2 Peter 2:1-2

Today’s reading is from 2 Peter 1:20-21

“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 

Take a few moments to meditate on these verses. 

Now, take some time to think about and answer these questions:

20. What knowledge should we keep foremost in our thoughts regarding scripture? None has a private interpretation.

21 What is the origin of holy scripture (prophecy)? God (the Holy Ghost).

This has been Three Minute Bible Study: Three minutes, two verses, no trick questions. 

All verses are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

Three Minute Bible Study is a production of My Life Ministries. Learn more at

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