hello, Hello, HELLO friend!

From KD 3rd flo' (if you know, you know ... XU rocks the house!!!) to world renowned certified celebrity personal trainer, competitive body builder, chef, nutritionist, and actress, our Super Friend Ingrid Clay gave your favorite 3friends plenty to TALK about!!! Our TALK with Ingrid highlighted some of our favorite topics... healthy living, food, exercise, food, living your purpose and sharing your God - given talents, food... did we mention food??? Super Friend Ingrid has used the knowledge she gained from her scientific background to transform the game of fitness and plant based nutrition, to help her clients achieve more effective and longer lasting results. Tune in as 3friendsTALK learns how Ingrid's personal philosophy that "fitness is all encompassing" shines through her business ventures, relating the balance between taking care of our soul and body. Get the deets as she guides us through good food choices, bootcamp, and booty building!

Connect with Ingrid on instagram at www.instagram.com/ingridsclay

Connect with 3 friends TALK on instagram at


Bye friends,

Dr. Courtney, Dr. Leah, Dr. Sylvia