On 3 Clips, we believe "Creativity" doesn't mean "BIG." Instead, creating great things requires a lot of small, hidden choices and moments. Each episode of the show, we bring those smaller things into the light to examine them: the tiny production techniques, the tough decisions, the highs and lows that go into making anything special.

While we have a focus on serving makers and marketers who use their shows to support their brands, we venture far outside the marketing world to talk to some of the best minds in podcasting. You'll hear from producers and hosts who have decades of experience, and serial side project creators making their first podcasts.

Each episode, we break down 1 show through 3 clips, and some other segments, too. It's all in the name of helping you return to work and make your audience's favorite podcast.

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Join host Jay Acunzo's weekly newsletter, Playing Favorites, to get every new episode via email, plus one weekly idea written to you each Friday morning, all about making more resonant, more creative content. Subscribe at marketingshowrunners.com/subscribe