We live in a world crumbling under the weight of "It happens." 

Case in point: COVID. Other case in point: Trump. 

And, like, when when you start to dig out from under "It happens" -- when you've finally gotten fully vaccinated against the 'rona, for example and you're ready to reengage with the world, such as it is . . . "It happens." Again. 

You find you've forgotten your social graces. This being around people thing is kind of awkward. 

It happens.

Well, bucko, 3 Chords & the Truth happens, too. I guess that's something, right? 

I said "Right?" 

I mean, I didn't forget how to do the Big Show over the past year and change. At least, I don't think I did. 

I guess that's for you to judge. Right here, right now.

Just don't forget your social graces. 

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.