Breaking the status quo of a legal framework to benefit all stakeholders

In this 2Tokens masterclass held August 20th, Alex Bausch (2Tokens), Quintus Willemse (The Share Council), Jack Berk (Berk Lawyers), Dan Liebau (Founder Lightbulb Capital & FinTech lecturer at RSM) and Marleen Evertsz (Nx'change) discussed the ingenious unconventional "Legal Framework" of the VerticalsĀ®. Together with Phd masters in the field we engineered a framework to give the startups a stable structure, assure investor protection and program manager influence at the same time. See what benefit you can have from this new way of venture building and capitalise on the combined knowledge. The second part of the masterclass, Dr. Dion Bongaerts of the Erasmus University RSM discusses the success factors of Security Token Offerings with Dan Liebau (Singapore)..Ā