Hail Mighty Listeners

It is very good to be back, and thank you so much for bearing with us. It has been a challenging few months both technically and emotionally. We cannot thank you all enough for the support you have shown us in this period of down time. Thank you.

Today, because we are as rusty as ork hinges, we dip our toe back in gently and recap our highlights from the year. We also talk a little bit about mental health and the hobby.

We hope you have a bleddy wonderful Christmas and that COVID doesnt screw it up. 

With much love, grab some refreshments, and enjoy episode 71

The 2Ps


00:02:22 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - What we have got up too this year, and our plans for the next one
00:27:23 - GALAXY OF WAR - Our thoughts on this years offerings for 40k
00:45:11 - THE MORTAL REALMS -AOS 3.0
00:57:04 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Charity raffles and mental health
01:14:02 - INTO THE WILDS - Loot studios and a few other bits and bobs

Huge thanks to Bensound.com for the tune "epic"