Hail Mighty Listeners!

Ladies and Gents welcome to episode 42! Thank you for your patience in waiting a bit longer, with mothers day it really was the best option for us. 

Please see the end of our episode for our thoughts on moving forward with the podcast, especially with regards to timings.

We had a lot to talk about, and we hope you find it vaguely entertaining!! Dan got to rant for ages about Chaos.... and Ben rambled on about... well who cares.

Have a fantastic time and we will catch you on the various media.

Be excellent to each other

The 2 P's


00:02:56 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - We talk about our hobby projects over the last month. Squigs, Chaos and a shiny marine
00:33:31 - GALAXY OF WAR - Dan rants endlessly about the new chaos nonsense and we share our views on the brilliant Vigilus
01:03:30 - INTO THE MORTAL REALMS - More Chaos, Stormcast and Gloomspire gitz
01:36:01 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We give our usual shout outs, and then share our thoughts regarding the community survey.
02:13:24 - INTO THE WILDS - Mortal Gods, Alien Vs Predator, Fallout, Test of honour and ship to ship combat in the age of sail from Warlord games

Huge congratulations to our competition winner Geraint Hasting-Evans

And also to the runners up;

Henry Steele


and Ian Craig 





The #warmongers hashtag on twitter https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Warmongers&src=tyah

And Bensound.com for the tunes