Hail Mighty Listeners

Episode 30! For those of you that have been with us from episode 1, Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey. For those just about to join us welcome.... and we are sorry LOL!!!

A lot of exciting stuff this episode and we can't wait to share it with you. Enjoy.

Best wishes

The 2 P's

Many thanks to Bensound.com for the awesome intro track, we still love it. And https://filmstro.com for the outro "viking"


00:02:55 - HOBBY DESK - Dan has been doing more LOTR, Ben has been doing a lot of Stormcast and we discuss what we know about chipping

00:38:38 - GALAXY OF WAR - Ben discussed his thoughts about the new Space wolf codex, we look at the new Canis knight hero, Rogue trader and Speed freaks

01:06:01 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Beastmen, Nightvault and we have a chat about Chaos

01:27:15 -  HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Our usual rundown on the local events and shout outs to the community

01:44:12 - INTO THE WILDS - Lord of the rings and Test of Honour




Nick Johnson

James Cheesewright

Ian Craig