We are in the middle of our WordPress Niche Series. So far, we have talked about the Website niche – Building Websites and Hosting Websites, the Plugin Niche, and the Theme niche. And next time we’ll cover Education and Training – the last episode of our WordPress niche series.

But, Today’s WordPress Niche topic is: WordPress Marketing

Now, this is another one of those topics that we could probably talk about for an entire season so we are going to be focusing on Content Marketing.

The post Make More With WordPress By Writing Content appeared first on 2D Web Solutions.

Welcome to 2D Web Solutions Episode #23

We are in the middle of our WordPress Niche Series. So far, we have talked about the Website niche – Building Websites and Hosting Websites, the Plugin Niche, and the Theme niche. And next time we’ll cover Education and Training – the last episode of our WordPress niche series.

But, Today’s WordPress Niche topic is: WordPress Marketing

Now, this is another one of those topics that we could probably talk about for an entire season so we are going to be focusing on Content Marketing.

What are a couple of content marketing strategies that can benefit your existing WordPress customers? (Kerry - 1:03) (Arelthia - 1:48)What can I offer clients related to Digital Marketing? (Arelthia - 2:30, 4:28) (Kerry - 3:25)What can I offer clients related to Email Marketing? (Kerry - 4:59, 6:40) (Arelthia - 5:40, 7:03)What are some additional types of content you could create? (Kerry - 8:20, 10:17, 13:05, 14:53, 16:11) (Arelthia - 9:54, 11:52, 13:53, 15:58)What do I need to know or do next to get started in the content marketing niche? (Arelthia - 16:33) (Kerry - 16:54)Digital Marketing

What is Digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies.

What can I offer clients related to Digital Marketing?

In Digital Marketing content is King! So, creating quality content of any kind can be beneficial to clients.

Creating content as a service might look like…

Providing articles on a regular schedule
Adding images to blog posts
Creating a new video for a sales promotion
Posting social media content

Creating content as a product might look like…

Royalty-free image quotes.
Unbranded eBooks
Cartoon Strips
Templated Powerpoint Slides

Email Marketing

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is direct marketing sent electronically to engage and connect with a potential or current customer.

What can I offer clients related to Email Marketing?

In Email Marketing consistency is Key! So creating an email system will be beneficial to clients.

Creating email content as a service might look like this…

Doing research and crafting email text
Setting up email campaigns
Creating lead magnets

Creating email content as a product might look like this…

Email layout and style templates
Response Email templates
Email content templates
E-courses and lead magnets

Additional Types of Content to Create for Content Marketing

Content Creation is practically endless.


Articles provide information and build authority. Some related opportunities that focus on writing articles are copywriting, paid blogging: ghostwriting, proofreading and editing.

Examples of types of content you can create for Article Marketing

Website Content
Blog posts
Press releases
Sales copy


An image visually draws attention and allows you to be creative. So when you think about image related opportunities, you might think of photographers or graphic designers.

Types of things you can create with Images

Image quotes
Holiday cards
Company birthdays
Any image manipulation
Image optimization


Videos appeal to a growing audience and are increasing in popularity, so they increase traffic which increases your authority. You can build in recurring revenue from clients by creating videos, optimizing videos,  or editing videos.

Types videos people need

Talking Head
Live webcast
Video Powerpoint
Video Tips
On camera demo
Screen Share demo
Photo Montage
Sales video
Launch series
Product videos
Webinars (teaching)
Video email


Podcasts allow people to listen while doing other things. Consider earning recurring revenue from clients from voice-overs, show host or project manager.

Types of podcast work

Podcast show notes

What do I need to know or do next to get started in the content marketing niche?

Apply the 2D Strategies from E15 – Pinpointing the Perfect Problem
Find out what type of content your clients need or want.
Use the 2D D Classification to determine if you will develop, delegate or dismiss offering Content Marketing based on the skills you have or are willing to learn.

Survey your customers to determine which content marketing strategy and content type will best benefit your clients. @kerrycarron @arelthiaClick To TweetJoin the Discussion

We know your comments help us, and you can even help someone else in their process, so please leave your comments below. If you need something to comment about consider these questions…

What is the most appealing aspect of content marketing as a WordPress niche?
What questions do you have about offering marketing as a service or offering a marketing related product?
If you are already working in the marketing niche, what additional advice can you offer?

Thank you so much for being here. Now, go on out and…

Create Your Plan, Take Action and Experience Your Success

Intro and Outro by Benjamin Bradley.

The post Make More With WordPress By Writing Content appeared first on 2D Web Solutions.

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