1999-05-08 Two For Saturday (1:34:55)
7-9 On Saturday
Port Vine's Poor Weather Report -> Graceland (From the show before mine!).
Two song from a lot of great bands... Weather. Boat? Can't hear anything. Is that better? Sun down yet? Clear as a bell. In case you didn't know. Did you know? (thingamajigger waiting edited out).. Wayne is Dead. Happy Mothers Day!
Guest- Benny C, others

1999-05-08 | 1:34:55 | 2BS Radio Archive | The Main Event | Saturday | 7PM to 9PM | WRHO 89.7 FM Hartwick College Oneonta NY | The B-Smith Radio Archive | Archived Recordings from my College Radio Show | 2bsradioarchive.blogspot.com

www.twobs.com | 2bsradioarchive.blogspot.com