1999-04-15 A Live One (3:03:10)

A Live Show plus some music by the Waterheaters. If you want to hear me say no to your requests or just shoot the shat, dial 431-4555. Keep on chooglin. Do not wet your bed.

Calls - Sloan, Bill x2, Andrew from Suco, Some dude from the Waterheaters, and Sam who wanted 40s music.

1999-04-15 | 3:03:10 | 2BS Radio Archive | The Wonder Thunder | Wednesday (actually Thursday) | Midnight to 3AM | WRHO 89.7 FM Hartwick College Oneonta NY | The B-Smith Radio Archive | Archived Recordings from my College Radio Show | 2bsradioarchive.blogspot.com

www.twobs.com | 2bsradioarchive.blogspot.com