Discussion of Nephi’s teachings on the doctrine of Christ, which is that “there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God” (2 Nephi 31:21). Nephi teaches that Christ was baptized and covenanted with God the Father that He would keep all of His commandments, beginning the process through which He breaks the bands of spiritual death. Rather than so covenanting with the Father, we covenant with Christ that we will repent of our sins and serve God with full purpose of heart, thus qualifying us for the Gift of the Holy Ghost, which purifies us, giving us new life, and prepares us to return to the presence of God. After we are baptized, we are to teach others and learn from the testimonies of others. We are also to bring our wills in alignment with God’s will through the process of prayer. The result of all of these is a oneness, or atonement, with Christ and God the Father.

In addition to the covered chapters, this lesson also draws on quotes from Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s book Mormon Doctrine.