Discussion of Second Nephi’s Isaiah chapters! Nephi sets the scene for Isaiah’s teachings in chapter 11, in which he testifies of Christ, teaching that all things are the “typifying” of Christ, Christ makes possible the Plan of Salvation, and if there is no Christ there is no God. In the 13 chapters that are nearly the same as portions of The Book of the Prophet Isaiah in our KJV Bible, we learn about the children of Israel (which means “to struggle with God”) and their dynamic and active relationship with God, which is not one of robotic obedience, be one of pushing the limits, being punished, and ultimately redeemed. This relationship is summed up in the phrase, “for all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still,” which is repeated five times in these chapters. Nephi concludes his Isaiah insertions with a powerful testimony of Jesus Christ and the efforts he goes to in teaching his children and people about the Savior.

In addition to the covered chapters, this lesson also draws from “The Gift of Grace” by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, from April 2015 General Conference.