This is the raw unedited recording of another episode of MOVIES FROM HELL. This time we are joined by the hyper intelligent Trever Stottlemyer and also hyper intelligent John Arminio to discuss Conan rip-off movies.

In between, what appears to be, hallucinations from Bradley Kornish, there is talk with our guests and host Dan Pullen regarding a ton of films and unrelated stuff. We hope you enjoy the festivities.

You can find John and Trevor on Twitter here:

Trevor Stottlemyer at

John Arminio at

Movies/topics discussed on this episode:

Edible Practical Effects


Conan Rip Off films

The tragic story of Phil Spector and the star of Deathstalker

Tanya Roberts

Fulci's Conquest (1983)

Yor: The Hunter from The Future (1983)

The Beastmaster (1982)

Deathstalker (1983)

Otherworld (tv show, 1985)

Nightmare on Elm Street

Barbarian Queen 1985

Red Sonja

Private Parts (1972)

Lifeguard (1976)

The Turin Horse

Mandy Sountrack

Ator: The Fighting Eagkle (182)

Trash Humpers

Ralph Eugene Meatyard

Jimmy Castor Bunch

A View to A kill

Circle of Iron

Hawk The Slayer (1980)

with music from Foehammer and ELP

Dan and Trevor also started to talk about Frank Zappa, but Bradley cut them off.

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