Hey Everybody, Nate here from 25 years of Vampire: the Masquerade podcast! As you may know, next week is Gen Con 2019! This is a huge event for us and for gaming in general. There’s a lot of planning involved to make the event come together for our podcast. We have friends and listeners coming in from all over the country and the world! Because of that, Bob and I were unable to do our regularly scheduled review of Libellus Sanguinis 2 this week. 
Have no fear though. 
I have gone through our archives and put together one of our super-secret Patreon podcasts for release to the general public. This podcast is part of our educational, “Teach Me How!” series, and very few people have heard it. 
Anyways, We will be back to our regular schedule next week. We will have a bunch of post-GenCon stuff coming too! We will be doing a live review of Demon: the Fallen, recorded at our GenCon meetup. If you’re going to Indy, come hang out with us August 1st! Thank you all for listening and check out our patreon for more podcasts like this if you enjoy it! Talk to you next week!

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