Temi Siyanbade is a Houston-based attorney KEYNOTE SPEAKER • THOUGHT LEADER • Author and Creator of Ask Temi Live a YouTube channel. @toslegal In this episode, she shares how she pivoted from being an educator to an attorney. She also shares with the motivating factor that caused her to pursue the field of law. Even as an attorney, she struggled with the idea of being an attorney, not having clients, and having imposter syndrome.

The path to success includes failure and Temi states she has plenty and is part of the process. As a matter of fact, she encourages people to "own their zero" embrace their current level and allow themselves to grow. This was an amazing and valuable conversation. If you're in the "struggle", trying to figure out your next move, or dealing with imposter syndrome this conversation is sure to encourage and get you the motivation you need to get going in life!

Other topics discussed:

How she got involved with entrepreneurs and business
Her YouTube channel "Ask Temi Live"
Intellectual Property

Connect with Temi
Socials: @toslegal
Book - https://amzn.to/3jnbcsT
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@toslegal