Civil Tension No. 47 ~ Idiots & Morons
"An Idiot is stupid. A Moron is senseless."
"It is something we have to accept as reality."
"They're being castigated and run out of town."
"You have embarrassed us all!"
"Isn't that incredibly illustrative."
"Kimchi! ...I just wanted to say that word."
"Thank you Don! That was worth the gas driving over here."

I'm Peter Gault, host and creator of Civil Tension. With me are all of your Co-Hosts: Dan Cwiak, Don Sivesind, Norman Wierer, Bill Haase, Jeri Settls, and Ken Nicholson. In this episode we use humor and civility while reviewing fictional racism and bigotry, immigration, political leftism, idiots and morons.

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