Civil Tension No. 61 ~ Party Loyalty Before Morality

"What got us to this point?"

"Legislators legislating."

"They lack moral fiber and integrity."

"I'd like to push back on my right-wing brethren."

"That won't get you re-elected."

"Shhh! Ken's pants are talking!"

Discussion of marginal eloquence begs to uncover where political parties have abandoned morality, integrity, and are grossly askew in abandoning their oaths to uphold and protect our U.S. Constitution. During the course of conversation, Bill asks a crucial question; "What got us to this point?". What are your thoughts?

Join Civil Tension host & creator, Peter Gault, along with Co-Hosts Ken Nicholson, Don Sivesind, and John Guanci, together with guests Bill Haase, Dan Gilman, Chris Cwiak, and Matt Kucharski. 

This episode brought to you by the sci-fi action thriller, "The Soul's Keep" by author D. Allen Gilman. Buy the paperback on Amazon now for $10.97! CLICK HERE 

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