Civil Tension: Airing starting January 2019 on 24-7WPL, is a podcast with a remarkable following with listeners on both sides of the Right/Left divide. 

Civil Tension No. 52 ~ Telling Ugly Truths

"It's a circle-jerk, right?"

"I like growlers."

"John Kerry had the best hair."

"I wanted it for the power!"

"It's just the way I am..."

"That's lunacy!"

"...We're so off topic..."

We intended to do our best to thoughtfully discuss why it is we do the things we do. That was our intent, at least. Join us for the lunacy that followed...

Civil Tension creator & host, Peter Gault, with a full panel of co-hosts this time: Ken Nicholson, Don Sivesind, Dan Gilman, and Jeri Settles.

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